POS Items Menu Item Set Up - General tab

The Point of Sale (POS) Items command on the Point of Sale (POS) Configuration menu allows you to add and edit Point of Sale (POS) items from the system. See Point of Sale (POS) Configuration Menu Overview for more details on the menu.

This help topic covers the configuration items in the General tab. See POS Items Menu Item Set Up - POS tab for information on using the Point of Sale (POS) tab, POS Items Menu Item Set Up - Inventory tab for information on using the Inventory tab, or Configure Point of Sale (POS) Items for POS - Overview for a general overview of this category.

NOTE: All available Point of Sale (POS) items for all Outlets must be added to this list. You will associate each item with each Outlet using the Point of Sale (POS) tab after the item is added.

Select POS Items from the Menu Items Setup section of the section of the Point of Sale (POS) Configuration menu.

The screen display is split into two frames, with the left side of the screen listing any already configured Point of Sale (POS) Items for the property and the right side containing the fields you need to complete in order to add or edit a Point of Sale (POS) Item for the property. Any changes made on the right, once saved, will be updated in the listings to the left.

List of already configured POS items to select from

The currently configured Category options can be displayed by:

Inactive: This option will be yes or no, depending whether the preparation is currently configured as available or not.

Order: This determines where the Point of Sale (POS) Item appears listed in the interface.

Description: The name of the Point of Sale (POS) Item can be sorted alphabetically or a particular Point of Sale (POS) Item searched for manually.

Code: This is the Firing Order code, if configured. See Firing Orders - Menu Set Up. Point of Sale (POS) Item code can be sorted alphabetically or searched for manually.

Pick Category: This is the Pick Category, and is a drop-down menu of available options to select from. See POS Items Pick Categories.

UPC: Point of Sale (POS) Items can be sorted by UPC if entered; this is typically for non-food items as it refers to a scanned item. Point of Sale (POS) Item can be sorted alphabetically or a particular Point of Sale (POS) Item searched for manually.

Selecting any Point of Sale (POS) Item displays the details on the right. The right side contains the fields you need to complete in order to add or edit an Point of Sale (POS) Item for the outlets on your property.

POS Items Menu Item Set Up screen General tab

By default, the General tab appears. You MUST create and save each new menu item on this tab BEFORE continuing with other configuration. In addition, the top part of the General tab must be completed and saved before the bottom part of the tab can be edited.

Your options include the following:

Generate a new entry:

Click the New Generate New Entry button button from the toolbar to add a new Point of Sale (POS) Item.

Complete the fields described below.


Select an existing Point of Sale (POS) Item from the list on the left, and click the Replicate Replicate Current Entry button button from the toolbar.

Then change the field information as described below.

This is useful if you are configuring multiple similar items that all have similar codes and the same posting type associated with them, such as Soups or Beer selections.

Edit the current selection:

Change the field information described below.

You MUST save each new item before continuing with configuration.



POS Type: This is a drop-down menu to select from. Non-food options need to be labeled as "Other" here to ensure they are displayed correctly in any Reports.

This field is required.

Pick Category: This is the Pick Category for the Point of Sale (POS) Item, and is a drop-down menu of available options to select from. See POS Items Pick Categories. Your property will have selected categories available during the initial set up of Skyware Systems. This field is optional.

List Order: This determines where each item appears listed in the interface.

Enter a number into the List Order field. This field is optional. If no order is specified, the Point of Sale (POS) Items will appear in alphabetical order in the interface. Once the Point of Sale tab has been configured, the order may be filtered by the restaurant, meal period, and category selected by the staff (if you configure the options to do so).

Code: This is the Firing Order code, if configured. See Firing Orders - Menu Set Up.

Enter a Code for the item. If not using Firing Orders, this can be a descriptive type label or simply a number, depending on how you want to identify the item in your system. This field is optional.

Description: This is the label that appears for the menu item in the interface, and what the Point of Sale (POS) Item is called on the interface.

Enter a Description for the item.

This field is required. Be sure to use a label that staff can easily identify, but that isn't so long as to clutter the interface unnecessarily.

Presentation: This helps specify any particular details regarding how the item is to be served.

Enter a Presentation for the item. This field is optional. If left blank, the description will be used on any checks.

The Description is the "short" or abbreviated form of the Point of Sale (POS) Item description and is what appears on the screen for the server. If the Presentation is set then that is used on the check for the customer. If not then the Description is used on the receipt.

Posting Type: This is where the revenue from this Point of Sale (POS) Item is tracked. Posting types available can be selected from the drop-down menu. If the posting type you need does not appear in the list, you may need to edit the Posting Types configuration for the system.

This field is optional unless the preparation has a price (charge) associated with it. (See Price below).

Price: This is how much a Point of Sale (POS) Item will sell for (and what will show up on a check). Enter a Price AND select a Posting Type for the item. While these fields are optional, the Posting Type field is REQUIRED if there is a Price. All charges MUST have a posting type.

Cost: This is how much a Point of Sale (POS) Item costs to produce, and is for internal use only.

This field is optional, if no cost is entered the default is 0.00.

UPC: This is used for a scanned item, and is typically not used for meals. Point of Sale (POS) Items for Outlets such as gift shops will typically be scanned items. The field is optional. If used, the UPC requires a symbol (for example #, %) in front of it to display correctly in the system.

Vendor #: This is a way to track whom the Vendor is for the Point of Sale (POS) Item, for Inventory purposes. This field is optional, and may be a name or a number as desired.

Open Item?: This option allows you to determine the price of a Point of Sale (POS) Item at the time of sale, for example a "Special" on the menu, or parking at an hourly rate. This box may be checked or unchecked. By default, it is unchecked. If checked, be sure to leave the price box blank. This produces an Open Item on the Restaurant Check page which can then be completed at the time of ordering with name and price of the Point of Sale (POS) Item.

Any Point of Sale (POS) Item that may have a variable price should be an Open Item.

Item Not Discounted?: This option allows you remove Point of Sale (POS) Items from any discounts applied to a check. For example your property may have a policy of never discounting alcohol. If so, any Point of Sale (POS) Item that is alcohol would need this box to be checked to exclude it when the discount is calculated. This box may be checked or unchecked. By default, it is unchecked.

Not Active?: This box may be checked or unchecked. By default, it is unchecked.

It should only be checked if the Point of Sale (POS) Item is currently not in use.

If an option is currently not active (for example seasonal options) this box may be checked.

Once a Point of Sale (POS) Item has been added to the list on the left, it will remain in the list (cannot be deleted) if there has been any checks created for it. Once a check is created, it exists in several places in the system, and therefore there cannot be a check for something that does not exist.

When you are finished adding or editing the top section of the Point of Sale (POS) Item General tab, click the Save Save button button to save the changes. You MUST save the changes before continuing.

To view any changes made, click the Activity log Activity Log button button in the local tool bar.


The next two sections on the bottom of the Point of Sale (POS) Item Maintenance General tab deal with Sales and Catering/Inventory.

NOTE: The Food Types and Units of Measure properties located in the bottom section of the General Tab are used for the Sales and Catering system in Skyware, not for the POS system. Since the Menu Items list for both systems is the same, you may see some configuration in these fields for existing items. However, they do not pertain to the Point of Sale (POS) system currently.

For more information on the Sales and Catering system and its configuration, see Sales and Catering - Overview.

Food Types and Units of Measure section of tab

These fields have an Add button. This opens the detail screen for the option and allows you to add individual options to menu items using drop down lists.

Food Types: This lists all the different food types options available for this Point of Sale (POS) Item- for example, entries here could be Hors d'Oeuvres or Deli Buffet. If you want to add or edit an entry in this section, click on the "Add" button, and you will be taken to a new screen where you can select from a drop-down menu for Food Type:

Food Type selection options

Once selected and saved, the option will appear in the Food Types box.

Food Types section with added selection now shown

When clicked this will take you a screen where all Point of Sale (POS) Items with this Food Type are listed.

Any entry in this box can be deleted by clicking the delete button to remove it.


Units of Measure: This lists all available units of measure for this Point of Sale (POS) Item - for example gallons, bottle, # per pieces. For example, beer may be counted by the bottle or by the case.

Units of Measure selection options

Once selected and saved, the option will appear in the Units of Measure box.

Units of Measure section with added selection now shown

When clicked this will take you a screen where all Point of Sale (POS) Items with this Unit of Measure are listed.

Again, any entry in this box can be deleted by clicking the delete button to remove it.


Date Updated August 11, 2020